Monday, November 9, 2009

18 Cents

After walking away from the highest paying job that I've ever had in my 13 year career I had no idea what I was going to do but I knew that at the very least I needed to start walking.  I woke up one morning and decided that I was "sick and tired of being sick and tired."  On top of that my commute was 2 hours each way...that's insane!  So I walked away and my "friends" thought I was crazy but I knew that if I stayed there just for the money then I truly would be crazy.  They all kept saying, "what are you going to do for money" and "are you sure you made the right choice"? At the time I would always say, I have no doubts that I made the right decision until I checked my bank account after pushing to get something started for 3 months.  There it was staring me right in the face, balance 18 ¢.  I thought, well at least I'm not in the red.  

I was in fact broke, actually I was broker than broke but I had hope, determination and faith and that's worth more than silver or gold.  I quickly learned though that a broke entrepreneur is a creative entrepreneur and boy did I get creative.  I also cut back on expenses and ate a few less meals but the quality of my work never diminished.  Now that it's more than a year and a half later not only has that 18¢ grown but so has Kennedy Consulting's list of supporters and cheerleaders.  Yes there are still the nay-sayers and I've gotten use to cold shoulders, snubs and grapevine chatter, all indications that I made the right choice.  If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would absolutely choose the route that I took because it was just what I needed.  Your journey will be different but I guarantee that if you stick with it the outcome will be greater than you could have hoped for. So even if all the signs are pointing to giving up or your friends question your sanity, get rid of them and keep pushing forward.  You can do it!

Small business spotlight of the week is Optimum Capital Management


  1. Oh Sis...what a word! If I had a nickle for every time a "well meaning" friend or family member questioned my judgment for leaving Corporate America I'd be rich and this post would be a moot point! Anywhoo...I stood for something other than a consistent paycheck, I began to chase my vision and dreams. Now let me say this, when you do what you love it NEVER seems like work! Being the dreamchaser and vision painter that I am, I offered my services (for free) to anyone who was willing to take a chance on me. Through trial and error, dropping the ball and picking it back up again, and even swift kicks in the pants...I soaked up every piece of knowledge about the artist management, marketing, and anything else the entertainment business could offer. I've made sure that my face was in all of the proverbial "hot spots" and kept my name on the minds of all of the movers and shakers of the industry. Has all of this paid off? I where I want to be?...not exactly...but I'm so far from where I started! Keep it moving and be prosperous!

  2. It's amazing that you found something that you love and had the courage and the where-withall to take that leap of faith. What do you say for the person who still isn't sure what they "love"

  3. @Shay Shay...

    Sometimes we may "miss" what we love because it isn't quite the vision of work we had for ourselves. You will definitely KNOW when you've found what you love because your hunger/passion for it will outweigh your temperance and it will "find you."

  4. Tonya I love that phrase "vision painters", how clever. You are on it sister.

  5. SLF, think about what you would do even if you didn't receive a paycheck, then work at it until you start getting paid. Also always trust your instincts. It's great to have mentors and people who love to give their opinions but in the end you are most impacted by the decision and it has to be something you can live with. Lastly whatever you do, keep moving forward.

  6. You just preached my own story. Go girl... purpose outweighs paycheck any day. But I'm still getting paid! It is our covenant promise... It is God who gives us power to get wealth. NOT THE JOB! HE is our Source... Jobs are Resources! Nicely written. Good Job!

  7. You are an example and a testimony for SOMEBODY!! Thanks for sharing. We are on the path together here. :-)

  8. Shon you are a true inspiration and I know that your statements will be a source of encouragement for others including myself.

    Robert, yes we are all Entrepreneurious! Let's walk this path together, looking forward to being a part of the group that you're putting together.
