Friday, March 19, 2010

Top 5 Event Planning Cost Saving Trends

In any economy saving money is always the smart way to go. Believe it or not you can save even during events season. Here are 5 Event Planning Cost Saving Trends that will help save you time and money:

1. Creativity is Free! When you have less resources to work with using your imagination will result in memorable occasions at a fraction of the cost. 

2. Outsource to Small Businesses. If your company plans less than 5 events per year, contract your overall event management planning to a small business.  Dealing directly with the CEO will save you time and money.  A small business owner is also more likely to know and practice more cost saving techniques than larger event planning firms.

3. Negotiate Everything. From hotel rooms to food and beverages, state your bottom line price and request as many concessions as possible. Be sure to confirm every negotiated aspect in writing. 

4. Book Local Talent. "B" list entertainment can be just as good if not better than "A" list artist. Try bartering with marketing/PR exposure in exchange for services.

5. Treat Suppliers as Partners. Ensure your vendors that you are interested in a long-term business relationship. Also be willing to provide word of mouth marketing in return for their stellar services.

About Kennedy Consulting Group, LLC

Kennedy Consulting Group, LLC is a full-service special event management and media relations firm backed by 15 years of experience providing quality services for major corporations, non-profits and religious organizations.  Our track record includes a hand in planning the U.S. Dream Academy Gala, which raised over $1.9 Million by receiving match funds from Ms. Oprah Winfrey. Our boutique firm is woman owned. 

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